If you are a blogger or online business, you definitely want your website to have a lot of visitors, right? Have you ever felt that your website is empty of visitors? Even though you feel you have created good content. So how do you get your website to be seen by many people? Look again at whether your article writing is in accordance with the correct way of writing or not.

Writing an article must be adjusted to the SEO rules from Google, guys. So you need to create SEO Friendly articles or content. The algorithm created by Google is set to automatically show articles that meet their standards only. The more they meet their standards, the higher the chances of your article appearing on the first page of search engines.

Imagine if you don’t know how to make the right articles according to SEO standards, users will not find your website at all. Even your article may not be found by anyone! The efforts made will be in vain, guys.

So you need to understand, if you want to develop a website then you have to make sure that the articles you create are SEO friendly or SEO Friendly on search engines. Indeed, to make an article is not easy, but you can learn some basic ways to make your article SEO Friendly.

Below, we will give some tips for creating SEO Friendly content. Let’s study together!

What is SEO Friendly?

Search Engine Optimization is a marketing technique used to optimize a website to search engines. This optimization is done to help websites that deserve to be displayed on the top search engine rankings or not.

SEO Friendly is a way that is done so that the content created can appear more often to visitors who do it browsing. Content that meets SEO standards will have a greater chance of ranking at the top of search results.

Tips for Creating SEO Friendly Content

In addition to looking for quality topics, you also have to pay attention to several things that must be in your article. It doesn’t seem important, but it turns out that some of these things can help SEO Friendly content, you know. SEO Friendly content itself is a proven strategy to increase the number of visitors who come.

Here are some surefire tips that can be done to create SEO Friendly content:

Create a Title Catchy

The title is the most important thing in an article, guys. Create a unique title and catchy so that users feel curious about your article and end up visiting the website. Generally, a title contains 15-60 characters and contains keywords that have been targeted.

The title you create must also be adjusted to the content of the article. Imagine when you as a user find an article in a search engine. But when you click on it, the content of the article is irrelevant to the title. Surely as a visitor will be disappointed, right?

Try using numbers in your title. Titles containing numbers have been shown to impact performance more than those without. For example as follows:

Meta description that matches the content of the article

Meta Description is a short description that is placed in the HTML of a web page that describes the entire content of the content. A Meta Description can also determine whether or not someone wants to visit your website, you know. Visitors will always visit websites that have a unique Meta Description and describe the content they are looking for.

Meta Description describes a specific page on a website. Usually this description contains one to two sentences containing 140 to 160 characters. The information you include does not always have to be a sentence. You can also enter prices, manufactures, and more.

Pay attention to the URL used

The third thing that needs to be done to create SEO Friendly Content is to pay attention to the URL. Short URLs also affect your content to be SEO Friendly, you know. Make the URL short and consist of lowercase letters so that it is easy for visitors to read. You can also use a hyphen or hyphens (-) to separate each word.

The shorter the URL, the better the content will be for Google. Google states that the first 3 to 5 words in a URL get more attention from users. You can also make short links for your URLs to make them easier to read and not seem messy. The URL should also contain the content keywords that you use.

Use Heading 1 for the title

Who made the title still use normal text and just enlarge the font size? That’s the wrong way, guys. From now on, use Heading 1 to make the title of your article, OK? Using headings will make your articles more structured.

Make sure there is only one Heading 1 in your article and make it as unique as possible. Make Heading 1 which describes the entire content of the article. You can use the words “How”, “Why”, “What”, and others too.

Optimize Image

Position yourself as a visitor. It must be lazy to read an article that only contains words, right? The use of images in articles can keep visitors coming, you know.

However, there are a few things to be aware of when using this image. Optimize the use of the Alt attribute on the listed images. This is done to describe the image so that Google will know the image and text that is around it.

Don’t forget to include a name on the image that is easy to read and in accordance with the related keywords. As much as possible upload images that are not too large in size, this is intended so that the loading process is fast. If the image size is too large, take advantage of various applications that can compress without reducing the quality of your images.

Relevant Opening Parts

After visitors read the title of the article, you can direct them to read the opening section first. Make an opening paragraph that is relevant to their lives and adequately describes the entire content of the article. You can make it into a few short sentences to make it easier for readers.

Also enter the main keyword of your article in this opening section. Choose keywords that have high search numbers and are also easily understood by visitors. You can enter 5-10 additional keywords to maximize the article. If the article is too long, it is recommended that you make table of content or a table of contents related to your article to make it easier for readers.

Take advantage of Sub Headings 

Back to the point above, in addition to Heading 1 for the title, you need to use sub headings as well, you know. The use of sub headings helps readers know the important points discussed in the article. Sub headings are like sub chapters of your article. Where each of these sub-chapters is related to the contents in it.

Create sub headings using heading tags to make them more structured. Also make sure the sub headings that you create are solutive and provide the answers that readers want. So, you must make the information provided as complete as possible so that the reader feels satisfied and has fulfilled his purpose.

Use Quotes Or Quotes

You can also include quotes or quotes to make the reader better understand your explanation. Enter the important idea or sentence you want to quote. You can bold the quote or set the font size to give the reader focus on the quote.

Take advantage of the List feature

SEO Friendly content contains relevant and well explained information for easy understanding. When the article contains important points to explain, you can use a bulleted list or a numbered list. This will make it easier for the reader to understand your explanation. Your explanation will be more structured and pleasing to the eye.

Suggest Related Articles

The last thing to create SEO Friendly Content is to suggest related articles. At the end of the article, you can also display several related articles that readers can choose to read next. Include articles whose topics are relevant to the article you are currently reading.

So that if visitors are not satisfied, they can try to read in other articles that may better meet their wishes. Visitors who stay on the website longer will increase your website traffic too, you know.

Well like that guys, some tips for those of you who want to create SEO Friendly content. For bloggers or online businesses, you can try to apply the tips above to develop a website.

A good article has a complete structure as above. Pay attention to the title, meta description, image, opening section, even the URL.

Making articles is not difficult, the important thing is that you have to make articles that are relevant and based on clear sources. After that, use the tips above so that your SEO-friendly content can be seen by many people.

Until here first, I hope the article above can be useful for you, seoraiseup Friends!

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