Have you ever heard of long tail keywords? Just because you already have a website doesn’t mean all tasks are done. There are activities that require you to optimize search engines or what is commonly called Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

The goal is to get a high ranking in the search results. One of the efforts in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the selection of the right keywords such as long tail keywords.

Keep in mind that keywords have an important role so that you know the target of the existence of the website. This is also what then makes a website or blog able to get a high position in Egypt’s search engine by competing with other websites.

Then why should long tail keywords? Are short keywords not suitable for search engine optimization and increase? traffic? Let’s find out together the answer through this article!

Understanding Long Tail Keywords

In order to be able to determine which keywords are appropriate and potential, then you can start to find out the meaning of long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are specific keywords or keywords that have a small volume. As a result, the competition for ranking is also lower.

Long tail keywords can even consist of only 2 words. The most important thing is that the keywords are specific and have a low level of competition. Although the volume is low it can hit the target.

How could that be? Because these keywords are really specific, then these keywords can target specific keywords. That’s why the chances of being in the top Google search results are also greater.

Example of Long Tail Keywords

Examples of long-tail keywords in search engines

Still confused? Let’s try to find examples of long tail keywords so you have a better idea. If “laptop price” still sounds like a common buzzword, then you can use “best laptop price 2021”.

Let’s try to use the word cake as an illustration. When you search for products or information on Google just by typing the keyword “Cookies”, there will be so many results displayed while you are looking for information about birthday cakes.

Instead, it would be better if you use the keyword “birthday cake” so that the results displayed are also more specific.

Difference Between Long Tail Keyword and Short Tail Keyword

If there are still many questions in your mind or you are still confused about differentiating long tail vs short tail keywords, you can see some differences between the two.

To see the difference, you can pay attention to the competition, search volume, and qualifications. When compared to short tail keywords, the search volume for long tail keywords is certainly less or lower.

However, the competition is narrower due to the use of more specific keywords. If you want to target more specific keywords, of course, long tail keywords are the right choice.

Characteristics of Long Tail Keywords

How does it differentiate the use of long tail keywords from short tail keywords? To make it easier to choose the right keywords as needed, identify some of the characteristics of the long tail keywords themselves.

The Best Way to Get Long Tail Keywords

It is true that keywords help increase website traffic. However, search or keyword research should not be done carelessly. When looking for long tail keywords, use several tools so that you can analyze the competition, number of searches, and keyword choices.

1. Ubersuggest

Neil Patel is known as an expert in SEO or Search Engine Optimization in the world. He developed Ubersuggest which can help find the Latent Symantec Index (LSI) easily. Of course, this is very useful for getting the long tail keywords you need.

Although it is available in a free version, the features provided are limited. So, it would be better to enjoy the premium package so that you are more free to use this one tool.

2. Google Keyword Planner

Have you ever used this tool before? Google Keyword Planner provided by Google for advertisers. However, you can also use it to find low-competition keywords.

The data provided is very accurate and you can get keyword recommendations. This one tool can be used for free without having to be a Google Ads advertiser.

Once you have login access, look for the keywords you are targeting. Type keywords or main keywords and select keywords that have 3 to 5 words from the search results displayed.

3. Google Autocomplete feature

Is this one feature so foreign to the ear? Even if you are not an expert in search engine optimization, there is no prohibition against using the various features provided by Google. One of them is the feature Google Autocomplete. This feature makes it easy for users to find keywords.

Because it’s very easy to use, you don’t need any special skills. Type the main keyword in the search field and then follow it by adding letters or words to get search suggestions.

4. Wordstream Free Keyword Tools

Still need another way to find long tail keywords? Another tool that can be tried is wordstream free keyword tools. In addition to the results displayed are not small, the search volume can also be known as well as the level of competition for each.

Benefits of Using Long Tail Keywords

The use of long tail keywords is not solely based on trends or just following along. You certainly have a purpose in using it, right? In general, there are several purposes and benefits of long tail keywords, such as:

Higher Conversions

When Internet users write longer keywords, your website traffic can also increase as visitors increase. Some people may prefer to use general keywords but others prefer to search using specific and longer keywords.

Optimizing Website and Blog Strategy

Creating a blog is one of the easiest ways to get rankings for your website. Long tail keywords can help you by providing insight into what your target audience is often searching for. Then, you can create valuable content that can also meet the needs of the audience.

Help Personalize Content

Long-tail keywords can be used to create a variety of content that supports the various categories and services you offer. As a result, the possibility of reaching the target with the content strategy used can be higher.

Optimizing the Use of Short-tail Keywords

When using long-tail keywords, you also include short-tail keywords that you also want to optimize to get the highest position in Google search results. That way, you can achieve two goals at once more easily.


So, still hesitant to use long tail keywords? Like short tail keywords, long tail keywords also have an important role in your efforts to optimize your website so that it can be easily found in the top search results. Long tail keywords are specific keywords with low search volume

It is true that the process is not easy and can take time, especially for beginners to improve SEO. To be more practical and efficient, you can take advantage of SEO services from experts like seoraiseup , you know. If you need to increase website traffic with SEO services, please visit seoraiseup SEO Agency.

Hopefully, this article can help you, seoraiseup friends!

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