Hi seoraiseup Friends!

In this article, we will discuss something that is definitely familiar when you read it. You can guess from the title, right? Yup! This time the admin will discuss 5 Content Strategies for Digital Ads Optimization and SEO.

Maybe you want to learn about how to increase traffic or other things related to SEO, you can really see the article below to find out what pillars are important in developing a content strategy for digital ads and SEO optimization!

So, without further ado, let’s look at the explanation of what SEO is to make it easier to understand the content strategy~

What is SEO?

SEO which stands for SEO Search Engine Optimization is a series of processes carried out a system that aims to increase the volume and quality of traffic visits through search engines to certain websites by utilizing the working mechanism or search engine algorithm.

Then why are there still so many people who can’t understand how to increase traffic through SEO? Guys, it turns out that all of that requires a content strategy! Similarly, if you want to get something meaningful in life, you definitely need a strategy. It’s the same with digital ads optimization and SEO.

7 Content Strategies for Digital Ads Optimization and SEO

Are you curious about what the content strategy is? Below, I will explain what the strategy is! So, don’t forget to listen to the end~

1. Keyword Research

Well, the first strategy you can do is to do keyword research. This one point doesn’t need to be explained at length, but I’m sure some of you will understand what the purpose of doing keyword research at the beginning is.

We also can’t deny that actually increasing traffic is not enough just to write random articles. You also need to know what keywords are on the rise and are being discussed by people or websites with high traffic. This is where it can be seen that keyword research is very necessary. You can use tools like Ubbersuggest, Google Keyword Planner, and Google Trends.

Well guys, keyword research itself also has steps so that you are not blind to what you have to do. The things below will be very useful, guys, if you are diligent and have a great desire to understand and learn about SEO! Here, guys, I’ll give you the steps to make it easier to do keyword research~

2. SEO Content

Guys, in step 2 you will learn some very important points when you want to write articles to increase SEO traffic. Some of you may have created content whose traffic didn’t go up or stuck or those of you who are just starting to write is still confused about how to get your content through SEO traffic. Now in the following steps, you will read and learn what are the important points in creating SEO content.

Change the location of the keywords

At this point, it means that you really have to make sure that your target keyword is in the title, in the eye of the description, and in the first paragraph of the article you create. As Erwin Petas said during the last EDD, Google itself looks at keywords from the title, description, and then the first paragraph. So make sure when you determine a keyword, the location of the keyword is also considered, guys.

Write content for humans, optimize for robots

What does this point mean? Well, maybe most of you are still writing random article content and don’t pay attention to paragraphs. Here we will explain that write your articles for humans, and make articles that are easy to read.

This means don’t be too wordy and pile up sentences. Especially in today’s era, people don’t just read on PCs or cellphones. And readers must be lazy to read long writings in a language that is difficult to understand. So, make sure the article content you write is not long-winded and has minimal spaces and paragraphs, guys, so your SEO traffic will go up~

3. Social Media Content Plan

Create content on social media that you think is likely to be liked by many people. Here you also need to pay attention to the content that you will create has something to do or not with something you are building.

Also make sure the content has a good impact and tends to improve SEO. Once you’ve finished your social media content plan, you can post at busy times. When is the recommended time to post something on social media? I’ll answer below then!

4. Create a Relevant Landing Page

At this point, the admin will remind and let you know if you don’t know that Google Ads has a quality score. What is a quality score? Quality score is one of Google Ads’ built-in features that can assess the ad you want to make whether or not it matches your landing page.

This means that you can’t play games here, guys~ for example, you want to advertise a viral food typical of Bandung, dumplings, for example, but the landing page you created is meatballs. This will be considered bad by Google Ads. Therefore, create a landing page that is relevant to what you want to advertise in order to get a good quality score from Google.

5. Arrange the Campaign Scheme Well

If you want to maximize SEO and Google Ads, you can really use the content strategy provided by Erwin Petas. In his presentation yesterday, Erwin Petas shared tips by presenting the Google Ads Campaign Scheme using well-structured Ad Groups. we will explain the steps and provide the following explanation, guys!

Erwin Petas himself admits that the steps above are much more efficient and the campaign that you will be doing will be much more well-optimized.

6. The Right Time To Post On Social Media

For those of you who have an online business or work in the realm of social media and still have problems with posting the right content hours, you really need to listen to this one because it will be very useful, you guys for the continuation of increasing your SEO traffic~

The data taken from sprout social describes the best time to post on several social media such as twitter, facebook, and instagram. Including the following:




However, because WFH is currently in the middle of a pandemic, all times are flexible and there is no good or bad possibility when posting the content. “In my opinion, don’t have a curfew, because it’s time for people to rest at night,” said Erwin in the middle of his presentation discussing SEO and Digital Ads Optimization Content Strategies.

Hey guys, for those of you who are still indifferent when posting on social media, try to pay more attention from now on and don’t just post it! You have to pay attention to this in order to increase traffic too, you know.

7. Monitoring

Lastly is monitoring your ads and posts. Like how many posts and ads people see, how high the traffic gets, and of course how much the audience engages with the content you create. By monitoring, you can know what is effective and what you need to improve to make the next plan.

So, those were some of the things you should pay attention to if you want to optimize your SEO and Digital Ads. Follow the content strategy that we gave above, guys!

Don’t just follow 1 or 2 points, but the 7 steps above are mandatory and you need to do if you want to maximize SEO and Digital Ads performance. Hopefully useful and good luck guys!

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