Have you ever thought about the meta description of your page? This description is 120-160 characters long and gives visitors to your page a quick overview about what you have to say. A meta description is a great way to drive traffic to your page or site.

What is a meta description?

Meta description is a short HTML element that summarizes the page content and your offerings in just one or two sentences. This description of 20 to 160 characters helps visitors assess the relevance of the content on your webpage. It is located below the URL (website address) and the title tag.

It gives users a quick preview and overview of the content beyond the link. The meta description should not exceed 10 characters.

Meta description is important

Most content writers and marketers believe only the title tag of a page is important. A meta description is important even if the title tag is what draws attention to your page. Ahrefs’ study shows that Google search engine result pages (SERPs) display 37% of meta descriptions in the original form, and rewrite 63%.

Google will extract the meta tags automatically if you don’t pay attention in your meta description. Twitter and other social media platforms like it also remove the first lines from your content if you don’t include a title.

A meta description is not a ranking factor in search engines but it is one of the first lines that users see. They can be used as an indirect ranking factor. A well-written meta explanation not only makes you stand out from your competitors, but it is also relevant for visitors.

It increases organic growth and click-through rates by getting users click on your link. Even if you have a lot of reference content on your webpage, a poorly written meta description will make it difficult for most users to find it. Be careful with how you phrase the meta description.

How to write meta descriptions

Meta descriptions were previously only used for keywords. Google changed its algorithm to reduce the importance of meta description due to spam and keyword stuffing.

While they are still relevant and important, the emphasis now is on quality writing, unique content, and writing. This step-by-step guide will assist you in writing a compelling meta description.

As we have already mentioned, keywords were no longer the only factor that determined the relevancy of a meta description. In the early 2010s, quality content was the focus. Keywords in your title tag can be avoided. Instead, focus on the meta description that is true to your content.

Your meta description should be easy to read. You don’t need to use technical language or fancy words. Think about what your audience would like. Do not try to sound like an expert. Frame the meta description in such a way that it suggests you have taken the time to understand the user.

For smartphones, the length of your meta description should not exceed 120 characters and for desktops it should be between 160 and 160 characters.

Anything beyond the defined character range appears as dots (…..) to readers, which can be off-putting. Good meta description examples can be found on websites like Shopify, HealthLine and Nordstrom.

Every word in your meta description must be compelling and serves an important purpose. It is a good idea to try to get to the heart of your audience to create an engaging meta description.

You’ll find a common theme in search queries of your users if you research the why, what and when.

Duplicating an existing meta description is a big no. Plagiarism or rewritten content in your meta description can make a bad impression and reduce the trust users have in you.

This can have a worse impact if the meta description is taken from a well-known competitor. People tend to trust numbers more than those who lead the way.

Your meta description should encourage users to click on your link and take action. Writing your meta description in the active voice is more effective than writing it in the passive voice.

The active voice puts the researcher at center of a sentence and makes him feel that he is being implied. It is more relevant to the user when it fuels action than a passive, abstract tone.

CTA (call-to-action) is a link that directs users towards your page. They are clickable and provide something in return. A meta description that begins with “free trial”, “sign-up for free”, or even “take a free test” is more likely to get clicks, as it offers something valuable. user. Your click-through rates can be increased by adding a CTA in your meta description.

People tend to skim search results when the content doesn’t grab them in a matter of seconds. Users may be confused if your meta description is different from your web content or title tag.

To improve your audience, your meta description should be compatible with your internal content and top-title tag.

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